Salat Tradition

Exploring the Rich Flavors of Salat Tradition: A French Cheese Like No Other

Have you ever wondered what makes a cheese truly exceptional? Is it the type of milk used, the region it’s from, or perhaps the way it’s made? Let’s embark on a journey to discover the fascinating world of Salat Tradition, a French cheese that will delight your senses.

Origins and Production

Salat Tradition is a «fermier» cheese, meaning it’s made on a farm, specifically on the GAEC Salat farm in Cussac, a small village in the Cantal department of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Charlotte Salat, a passionate cheesemaker, takes great care in crafting this exceptional cheese using raw, whole milk from Salers cows, an ancient breed known for their rich, aromatic milk.

The production process is quite unique. The cows graze on the rich grass of the «Pays Vert» (Green Country) from April to November, and during the rest of the year, they’re fed hay in the stable. The milk is not collected for human consumption, but instead, it’s left for the calves to nurse, making the milk production dependent on the presence of the calves.

Type of Milk and Fat Content

Salat Tradition is made from raw, whole milk from Salers cows, containing around 35% fat. This high fat content contributes to the cheese’s rich, creamy flavor profile.

Maturity and Rind

Salat Tradition is aged for a minimum of 8 months in natural cellars, where it develops a dry, slightly cracked rind with a golden-ochre color. During this time, the cheese is regularly turned, rubbed, and monitored to ensure optimal maturation.

Flavor Profile and Texture

When you first cut into a wheel of Salat Tradition, you’re greeted by a firm, smooth, and ivory-colored paste that gradually darkens to a golden yellow with age. The initial firmness gives way to a more crumbly texture as the cheese matures.

The aroma of Salat Tradition is reminiscent of hay and mushrooms, while the flavor profile is both sweet and savory, with notes of fruits, spices, nuts, and a hint of smokiness.

Wine Pairing and Serving Suggestions

Salat Tradition is an excellent match for a fruity red wine from the region, such as a Cahors. You can also enjoy it on its own, paired with a rustic bread, or use it to add a rich, creamy element to dishes like gratins or burgers.

Whether you’re a cheese connoisseur or just discovering the world of French cheeses, Salat Tradition is sure to delight your senses. Will you take the first bite and discover the magic for yourself?

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