Elutcha Des Cabasses

El Elutcha, un queso artesanal Francés

¿QuéMakes a cheese truly special? Is it the rich flavor, the creamy texture, or the story behind its creation? For the Elutcha, it’s a combination of all three. This French cheese, crafted by the Des Cabasses dairy, is a masterpiece of artisanal cheesemaking.

The Story Behind the Cheese

In the heart of the Grands Causses Natural Park in Aveyron, France, lies the Des Cabasses dairy. This family-run business, created by Rosine and Jean-François Dombre, is dedicated to preserving traditional cheesemaking techniques. Their son, Charles, and daughters, Élise and Lucie, have joined the family business, making it a true family affair. The name Elutcha is a playful combination of the siblings’ names.

In 1982, the Dombre family decided to rescue abandoned land in the region and created their dairy. They opted to name it Des Cabasses, a nod to the young people who would revive the old chestnut tree. Today, the dairy is known for its high-quality, artisanal cheeses, made from raw sheep’s milk.

The Making of Elutcha

The Elutcha is a small, rustic cheese with a washed-rind, made from raw sheep’s milk. The dairy uses milk from its own flock of 650 sheep, as well as from local farmers. The cheese is pressed, then aged for approximately six weeks, during which time the rind is regularly washed with saltwater. This process gives the rind its distinctive pinkish hue and striations.

The cheese has a supple, white interior, with small holes and a pronounced aroma. The flavor is intense and perfumed, with a subtle taste of sheep’s milk, perfectly balanced by the robustness of the rind. When consumed at room temperature, the Elutcha’s richness is even more pronounced.


Type of milk: Raw sheep’s milk

Denomination of origin: None (but made in the Aveyron region, known for its rich cheesemaking tradition)

Fat content: 45%

Maturity: 6 weeks

Texture: Supple, white interior with small holes

Rind: Pinkish, striated, and washed

Wine Pairing

The Elutcha pairs beautifully with white wines, particularly those from the Burgundy region. A Pouilly-Fuissé or a Jurançon dry white wine will complement the cheese’s rich flavors. For a more rustic option, a Bourgogne Vézelay will also work well.

Additional Information

Country of origin: France

Region of origin: Aveyron, Grands Causses Natural Park

Production: 50 tons per year, primarily of Pérail, with smaller productions of Pastarou des Cabasses and Délice des Cabasses

This artisanal cheese is a true gem, and those lucky enough to taste it will undoubtedly fall in love with its unique character. Whether served with a crusty bread, fresh fruit, or used in salads, the Elutcha is a delightful addition to any meal.

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